It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new.
But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.
There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
Alan Cohen
"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."
Groucho Marx
The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Looking Back and Looking Forward

Anyone who lives in a city, a large city especially, knows that every day that you are out and going about your business, that you will see and hear, sights and sounds that are not always available outside of a city.
Some of these sights and a lot of these sounds, are not especially pleasant or something that you would want to see, elsewhere.
But then there are sights that almost stop you in your tracks.
Something that you have not seen before, seen in that place before or maybe you have seen them before but they please you so much, you just have to stop and appreciate the sight.

I see everything here.
The old and frail, the healthy and the not very healthy.
The very young , the adorable , the  beautiful and the  handsome.

Fashion-wise, it is a feast whenever I walk out the door.
From the edgiest Street Fashion to the most glamorous and rich Right off the Runway Fashion.
I always feel that the people here, on the whole, dress better than in some states I have lived in , back in the US.
Here they like their clothes to fit . . they are clean and pressed and tidy looking. They take pride in their appearance.. old fashioned maybe, but I like it !

I see people who are so tragically lost in mental illness, who should be in a clean room where people can  provide food and shelter .
Instead we see them rooting in garbage cans and wearing clothes that are so tattered, their modesty is completely lost.
But as in all cities, there it is, the mix , the rich, the poor, the young and old and all the in-between.

I love seeing the very old ladies sitting in cafes with their "girfriends", laughing , chatting, just girls.
The old guys, sitting on the bench in the park, discussing Things.
Who knows what Things,  sometimes it is serious and yet, they always seem to have a twinkle in their eye and enjoy good laughs together.

Now and then there are ladies of a certain age, with a little dog, that she  carries , feed tidbits to while sitting on a bench, this is her baby now.
It  makes me feel sad, that she might be all alone and this is her  family now, the small dog who adores her.
But then, I think, if Tate had lived a long long time, he and I might end up sitting on a bench one day, sharing a cheese sandwich and People watching.

We have lived here almost 6 years now.
It used to be the three of us, my husband, myself and Tate the Pup.
We are known to most of the people in our neighborhood as the Americanos with the Perro.
He was a Standard Poodle.
They don't have them in Buenos Aires.
We would walk him on the sidewalk in the parks and people would stop us every few steps to pet him, ask about him, give him kisses.
He was our Goodwill Ambassador.
Walking around the city without him, has not felt right since he died.

But as always ... Things change.
We are leaving here .
We will start a new life in a new home in a new town.
There will be a new pup and who knows what other delightful new things will be coming along ..
We are excited and looking forward.
Which is really the Best Place to Look.


  1. It's a gift to imagine the future instead of living in the past. Good luck with your dream. MtV

  2. It's always best to look forward, i think. But sometimes it's hard. There are times i can't get the memories, (good and bad,) out of my mind. I compare too much. In a way, when we first moved to Oregon from Maine, all the good memories prevented me from being happy here. But now, as much as i love my family, i can't imagine leaving Oregon and never living here again. Our minds play tricks sometimes. I'm glad you're planning your future and looking forward to it so much!


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